As Board of Directors, supervisor, or managing director, you are regularly presented with investment plans. Of course you should be able to form a sound judgement of the thoroughness of the proposal. Sman Business Value can support you at that.

Nowadays, especially non-executive directors and supervisors are very well aware of the responsibilities that such a position brings along. Professional support can be indispensable at certain moments. Sman Business Value not only has the factual expertise, but can also profile itself based on broad experience and a tactful approach as sparring partner that takes the discussion to higher grounds. Various investment and exploitation scenarios can be calculated. This can result in insight and decisions with which the value of the enterprise can be increased.

Within Sman Business Value, the knowledge and experience are available to advise adequately. If you as a non-executive director or supervisor are involved in an important decision on a business plan that you want to have tested and/or calculated, then please call us for an introductory meeting.