Sman Business Value supports Oxfam Novib

Sman Business Value works for entrepreneurial organisations. It recognises itself in the need that people have to personally and professionally develop themselves. For Sman Business Value, that involvement does not end at our professional field or national borders. Therefore, we support the world-wide development aid organisation Oxfam Novib as a business ambassador.

Oxfam Novib is committed to helping people in developing countries. Thanks to their microfinance programs, entrepreneurs in these countries are able to receive micro credits, giving them the opportunity to start their own business and to build an independent life.

Thus, excellent craftsmen work to create a better future for their families and therewith for their community and country. Small-scale help, yet with great results. Oxfam Novib can count on the material support of Sman Business Value when providing micro-credits.

We find that value development is very important in developing countries. We find that we, from our privileged position, should contribute. As entrepreneurs amongst each other, so to speak.

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Sman Business Value supports Oxfam Novib