R. (Ron) Sman, RA, RV


Ron Sman


Ron Sman is founder of the partnership Sman Business Value. Ron Sman graduated in 1970 as registered accountant. From 1966 through 1973 he was organisation consultant at Moret, Ernst & Young, upon which he worked from 1974 through 1979 as member of the board at Friwessa, a subsidiary company of Koninklijke Wessanen (Royal Wessanen) in Amstelveen, the Netherlands. Subsequently, he became a partner with Ernst & Young in 1979. From 1982, as head of Corporate Finance he was responsible for Ernst & Young’s M&A practice.

In 1992, Ron Sman started out his own independent valuation practice, established in Zaandijk. This practice was continued in 2002 into (currently) the Sman Business Value. Since his retirement Ron Sman acts as sparring partner for Sman Business Value.